To greet people informally, use the WAVING-HAND symbol. The same is used to say "bye".
Hi / bye.
Hello / goodbye (formal)
Depending on cultural contest, HANDSHAKE or Añjali Mudrā is used for formal greetings and farewells.
The symbol THUMBS-UP means "good" in the broadest sense. It's also used in greetings.
Good day, good night
The ideograms for "day" and "night" depict the Sun and the Moon (with stars) with a hourglass symbolizing time.
Good evening, good morning
The ideograms for "evening" and "morning" combine the Sun and the Moon with clocks on which the section betweeen 5 and 12 is highlighted,
specifying what part of daynight "morning" and "evening" are.
The phrase "how are you" can be used for greetings.
How are you? (to one person)
The symbol for "how" is a very abstract one, it's supposed to depict a user manual (a how-to) with a question mark.
How are you? (to multiple people)
There’s a difference betweeen singular "you" (meaning you one) and plural "you" (meaning y'all).
The singular "you" is one person with a hand pointing at them.
The plural "you" is two people with a hand pointing at them.